There is a saying - "Those that can, do. Those that
can't, teach". Damon Smith is living proof that this
saying can be false. Not only is he an authority of the
intellectual aspects of the martial arts he teaches but
anyone who has seen Damon in action will tell you that
you doubt his skill and power at your peril!
Sifu Raymond Rand, Technical Director, Yongquan Martial
Arts Association
I have met and trained with a number of skilled martial artists
across the world in the UK, Europe and China and I would rank
Damon among the best. Damon's skill and ability is matched by
his deep knowledge and understanding of martial arts.
I had the privilege to study under Damon Smith for several
years and study different martial systems under him. Damon is
one of, if not the most knowledgeable teacher I have had for
traditional Chinese martial arts. His armed combat ability is
second to none. The rarity with Damon Smith is his remarkable
fighting skills are complemented and backed up with a deep,
extensive knowledge on Chinese arts and military strategy.
Damon Smith, one of the most knowledgable martial artists I've
ever worked with, combines a breadth of traditional Chinese,
Japanese and Mongolian styles with a fundamental understanding
of the underpinning principles which unite his many styles
into a single comprehensive discipline. He has transformed my
understanding of the systems I've been practising for decades.
He is also one of the most lucid and clear teachers I have
come across.